

Healey Foundation Primary School
Healey is a safe and happy school where all children learn respect for themselves and one another. We encourage a positive attitude for life and learning.
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Summer Term Dates

Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May – SATs Week

Thursday 23rd May – May Tea Afternoon

Friday 24th May – Wellbeing sunshine day – Theme: Give and Giving

Friday 24th May – School Closes for Half Term


Opening Times

Pupil Start & Finish Times

8.50am – 3.20pm

Break Times

10.30am – 10.45am

Lunch Time

KS1: 11.45am-1.00pm KS2: 12.00 pm-1.00 pm


Healey’s Vision

From the beginning, we believe in all children and families. We teach all our pupils to respect individuality. Our children will feel safe, loved, and cared for here, allowing them to develop into confident, resilient, happy, and valued members of the Healey family. An exciting learning experience will motivate, engage, and inspire all children to learn and grow. Through acceptance and support, we will nurture and celebrate their talents.


Healey’s Aims

Deliver a broad, balanced, rich, creative curriculum that clearly sets out the sequential knowledge and skills that pupils will gain at each stage, building on what they already know and challenging them to constantly aim higher
Equip our children with effective learning strategies that match their individual learning styles and needs, so that they become eager, confident, resilient, independent learners who are actively engaged in, and enjoy, their learning
Trust and support our staff to deliver learning creatively, making it fun, interesting, and inclusive; meeting the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND, so building their cultural capital, enabling them to make good progress
Instill a love of reading from the day pupils start at Healey, focusing initially on synthetic phonics, so that they enjoy a wide range of texts, and use their reading skills to access wider learning
Expect and support high standards of behaviour and conduct from everyone, within an exciting, happy, purposeful learning environment where they feel safe, secure, and listened to.
Value everyone’s opinion and encourage children to challenge in a constructive way
Encourage everyone to support each other in a kind and caring manner, so that they are motivated, create lasting friendships, and enjoy school life
Provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and memorable experiences, making the most of our local, natural environment and outdoor learning, so that all pupils can thrive together
Underpin our curriculum with rich personal, social, health and relationships education so children recognise online and offline risks to their well-being, and can maintain their physical, mental, and emotional health
Develop, through the core values of honesty, tolerance and respect, children’s understanding and appreciation of diversity, and the ways in which we can reach out to, and support, communities across Rochdale and beyond
Promote an ‘open door’ policy to help families in any way possible, particularly to maintain good attendance and punctuality, and to support children’s learning
Routinely commit to high quality professional development and training so that staff, leaders, and governors are highly skilled, approachable, and empathetic
Ensure that rigorous evaluation of our work is ongoing, including regular engagement with staff, parents, and pupils, to make certain that everyone at Healey is consistently ambitious for all children to succeed